How To Keep Your Wires & Cables Protected?

Accidentally contacting high-voltage power lines can be highly dangerous. Not only is it dangerous but also a life-shattering incident as someone can lose their precious life. As much as possible, you should strive to prevent your wires and cables from fraying, unexpected accidents and animals touching. Else, a minor fault can lead to a severe disaster.

And if you are looking for the best alternative that helps you keep them protected all time, read on. Here's a glimpse of the four most helpful approaches that will keep your wires and cables connectivity protected.

Wrap cables in Fiber Glass

When it comes to securing your wiring from unwelcomed incidents, think about fibreglass sleeving. When wrapped around, these small pipe-like models deliver a robust shield to the wiring mechanism. If you often stay a bit concerned about your staff, or your machinery that can anytime be exposed to disasters with a slight mistake, you should think about these fibreglass shields. Not just are they helpful across wiring and cable structure, but they are even famous for their excellent cover to metal pipes.

Use electrical tape

Wrap the frayed areas once sleeving is done. For the process, use electric tape or water-proof tape, ensuring no moisture could enter the wiring and cable network to ruin things entirely.

Don’t Overtighten Your Cables

Avoid over-tightening the cables as much as possible. Over tightening can lead to significant damage to the cables, wires or cords. Also, don't wrap too tight, as it will obstruct the heat to pass, resulting in wiring can become too hot that severe damage may occur. But thanks to fibreglass sleeving as their breathable fabric gives ample room to the cables.

Adopt Cable Management Solutions

Always keep cable management and power circuits ready to ensure solutions are easy to find in severe damages or accidents. It would be easier to deal with the situation as soon as trouble strikes.

The Bottom Line

You can use PU coated fibreglass sleeve by Vaishno Enterprises for your all-types of wiring and cables requirement.


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