The Fiberglass and it’s Various Industrial Uses

Fiberglass or glass fibre is a reinforced plastic material which is composed of a woven material that is embedded with glass fibres which are randomly laid across each other and held together with a binding substance. Fiberglass is combined with resin to form an extremely strong and durable composite. Fibreglass can be supplied flattened into a sheet called a strand mat, or woven into a fabric.

Fiberglass, also known as glass reinforced plastic or GRP, can be sold as a raw material or used in manufacturing to produce moulded products which are subjected to pultrusion or hot press manufacturing. Fiberglass is a lightweight material that is used in a number of applications and industries. It is less costly than carbon fibre composites and is flexible to allow its use in a vast number of industries.

The Industrial uses of fibreglass:

Fiberglass are material which provide insulation with the high heat. High temperature fiberglass sleeve used in the industry that provides machinery and equipments from high temperature.

High-temperature insulation provides an effective thermal barrier for industrial gaskets. Since fiberglass is durable, safe and offers high thermal insulation, fiberglass is one of the widely preferred materials in industrial gaskets. They not only provide a better insulation but also help in protecting the machinery, conserving the energy and ensure the safety of the professional workforce. This is the reason perhaps why fiberglass is widely used. There is some Industry they use braided sleeving products to achive various objectives.

Metals and mining: Fiberglass grating is used in electronic refining areas prone to chemical corrosion. Other grating materials cannot be used here.

Power generation: Many areas of the power generation industry like tank farms, scrubbers, and others use fiberglass. The reason for this is the non-conductive property of fiberglass.

Aerospace & Defense: Fiberglass is used to manufacture parts for both military and civilian aerospace industry including test equipment, ducting, enclosures, and others.

Beverage industry: Fiberglass grating is used in many areas like bottling lines and in brew houses.
Chemical industry: In this industry, the fiberglass grating is used for anti-slip safety feature of the embedded grit surface and the chemically resistant feature of different resin compounds.


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