Advantages and disadvantages of fiberglass sleeves
We know that the use of fiberglass sleeves has become so popular. The electronic appliances manufacturers are also using these sleeves to give a longer life to their product and make them the first preference of the users. There is no doubt about the usefulness of the fiberglass sleeves. Numerous companies are engaged in manufacturing the best quality fiberglass sleeves. Below are some advantages motioned to clear the usefulness of these sleeves? Durability : The sleeves of Fiberglas are very strong and its layer covering extends the life of a normal wire. By protecting wires for years these sleeves also protect the appliances from short circuits and other similar situations. Suitable color : These sleeves are available in multiple colors and shiny looks. Users can match the sleeves with their home interior. It also becomes easy and friendly to match these sleeves with the color of the appliance. Fire resistance : Fire glass sleeves can bear a very high fire temperature. Th...